We do not need you to send us any documents at this stage, but you may want to get some information together which could be helpful in the future.
To value your compensation claim, we may need you to provide us with evidence and information about your ownership of the vehicle. Ideally this will be your answers to a simple questionnaire, but the Court could ask us to provide documents, we do not yet know.
We will be sending you a valuation questionnaire soon, be sure to look out for it.
On this page, you will find a list of everything we may need from you.
There are three kinds of documents which will be useful and if you have them or can get them, then keep them safe – Primary, Secondary & Emissions Fix.
You can find a full list of these documents below. If you struggle to find any of these, we have provided some guidance on how you can get this information and give it to us.
If you still have these or can get hold of them (even copies) please keep them safe.
These are documents relating to your acquisition of the vehicle and examples include;
From a garage/dealer
If you acquired your vehicle via Motability
You should send these to us using the secure link provided in the last communication we sent you. This link is personal to you and takes you directly to your case file meaning documents are saved securely.
In cash from a garage/dealer.
If your vehicle has had an emissions fix, and documents relating to the fix/software update, you should send these to us using the secure link provided in the last communication we sent you. This link is personal to you and takes you directly to your case file meaning documents are saved securely.
The dealership or garage that applied the fix may be able to provide you with documents outlining the application of the fix.
You should send any evidence to us using the secure link provided in the last communication we sent you.
This link is personal to you and allows you to insert documents directly to your case file to be saved securely.
Please check that you have provided ALL the relevant primary documents, as many of the secondary documents as possible, and the emissions fix documents where relevant. Without these documents your case will be much weaker and could fail.
KP Law can help you through the claim process.
If you are struggling to find any of the documents relating to your car, the ‘fix’, or the sale of your car, we need you to request copies from whoever originally produced them.
We recommend that you make your request via email as this is likely to be quicker than through the post. But, if you are not able to find a relevant contact email address, you can send a written letter or even go into the dealership if it is convenient to do so.
Use our handy templates below to request the information you need.
You will need to include your own details in the template in the areas indicated in bold. If you have moved house you will need to quote the address at the time you purchased the car as well as your current address.
To whom it may concern,
Re – vehicle registration [INSERT REG PLATE]
Request for copy documents
I, [your name], of [your address/previous address if different] am contacting you to request any information or documents relating to my vehicle with the number [vehicle registration number number*]. This could be in the form of records or notes.
In particular, please could you provide me with a copy of the invoice (together with any other related documents) for the purchase of my car [and any finance agreement that was entered into when I purchased my car**].
Please could provide these documents as an attachment via email to [your email address/previous address if different].
Thank you very much for your help and assistance.
[Your name]
*If you have a private plate, please provide both your current and previous number plate, if possible, together with the VIN (vehicle identification number, taken from your V5 or logbook, if you have it).
**Delete if not relevant.
Please send your request to: correspondence@motabilityoperations.co.uk
To whom it may concern,
Re – vehicle registration [INSERT REG PLATE]
Request for copy documents
I, [your full name], of [your address] am contacting you to request further information relating to my vehicle, registration number [vehicle plate number].
Please can you provide confirmation of my ownership status, details of any contributions made by myself on my purchase of the vehicle and a breakdown of the instalments that have been paid by me, or on my behalf, for the duration of the agreement.
Please could you also provide me with a copy of my agreement with Motability and all statements of account that have been generated for that agreement.
I would appreciate if you could provide these documents as an attachment via email to [your email address].
Kind regards,
[Your name]
Dear [employer’s name]
Re – vehicle registration [INSERT REG PLATE]
Request for copy documents
I, [your name], am contacting you to request some information relating to my vehicle, registration number [vehicle plate number] which I bought through the company salary sacrifice scheme.
Please can you provide some copy documents which will confirm my ownership status, details of any contributions made by myself on my acquisition of the vehicle, and a breakdown of the instalments that have been paid by me, or on my behalf, for the duration of the agreement.
Please could you also provide me with a copy of my agreement relating to this vehicle, and any related documentation relating to this vehicle, together with any Letter of Appointment which highlights my salary contribution and all statements of account for this vehicle.
Please could you provide these documents as an attachment via email to [your email address].
Kind regards,
[Your name]
To whom it may concern,
I, [your name] of [your address] am contacting you to request any information or documents relating to the EA189 NOx service action applied to my vehicle [vehicle registration number number] *. This could be in the form of records or notes. In particular, please could you provide me with the date the service action was applied (together with any other related documents).
Please could you provide these documents as an attachment via email to [your email address].
Thank you very much for your help and assistance.
[your name]
*If you have a private plate, please provide both your current and previous number plate if possible together with the VIN (vehicle identification number, taken from your V5 or log book, if you have it).
If you have copies of your agreement with Motability and/or statements in relation to your Motability account then please upload these into our online portal via your bespoke link. If you no longer have these documents, you can make a request for this information from Motability via email. Use our handy template (supplied above) to make this request to Motability. You will need to include your own details in the template in the areas indicated in bold.
You should then send this request to: correspondence@motabilityoperations.co.uk
The dealership or garage that applied the fix may be able to provide you with documents outlining the application of the fix. We have provided a template email that you may wish to use when contacting your dealership, garage or finance company. You will need to include your own details in the template in the areas indicated in bold.
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We are a founding member of the Collective Redress Lawyers Association (CORLA). CORLA aims to improve access to justice for claimants by way of collective redress.